I know very little about hardware, software, or standard protocols. Bought a new HP Pavilion computer and monitor with a TV tuner (subject line) card that picked up "no signal from my basic Time Warner cable. Called and messaged HP dozens of times and found only people reading a script who knew nothing about fixing the problem, only how to say, "It's something your cable company has to fix for you." But running the PC Doctor software, I could plainly see crystal clear pictures while it was scanning the "no signal." Figured maybe the software was the problem, so I asked my son to see if he could find some kind of software to manually operate the card without MCE. He found and downloaded this trial J River MC12, ran the setup and the tuner worked perfectly. The next day I tried it and every time I clicked options or watch tv, the system went into permanent wait mode. Read a few related posts that indicated there might be some other program interfering with MC12. I don't know how to check this. Sorry if this is a lame post, but I'm a rookie. Any help appreciated.