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Author Topic: Simultaneous listen, catalogue, rip, encode...impossible dream?  (Read 838 times)


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Is anyone simultaneously listening, doing library maintenance, ripping and encoding, all with MJ, and with absolute confidence.  I can't.  Here are some of the symptoms I get:

  • Occasioanal drop outs of several seconds while the player shows "buffering"
  • Occasional crashes while doing library maintenance (mass updates not file moves)
  • Occasional, loud, 2-3 second buzz when connecting to CDDB
  • Occasional crackling when surfing (in Interact ofcourse)
  • Occasional stalling ("not responding")

    It's not due to excessive CPU requirements because that rarely goes above 10%.  But, some resource is being over-stretched.

    Am I being too demanding?  Is there something wrong with my system?

    Listening to: 'Habanera from Carmen (G. Bizet)' from 'Filippa Giordano' by 'Filippa Giordano' on Media Jukebox
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    RE:Simultaneous listen, catalogue, rip, encode...impossible dream?
    « Reply #1 on: July 18, 2002, 05:52:18 am »

    Are you playing across a network?  What kind of files?

    I get noise occasionally from a wireless mouse and from my video card on two different PC's.

    Can you post your system info here?  Copy from MJ Help/System info.

    Computers are complex, and, like women, each one has a unique personality.
    Jim Hillegass
    JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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    RE:Simultaneous listen, catalogue, rip, encode...impossible dream?
    « Reply #2 on: July 18, 2002, 06:01:57 am »

    The crackling is probably an IRQ conflict. (Windows ACPI IRQ steering often makes everything share one IRQ)

    Also, if a CD drive is in PIO mode, the system won't have the bandwidth to read from the file you're playing at the same time, so that might cause the buffering.

    Personally, I'd recommend not using your computer while you rip to ensure perfect quality rips. (and use digital secure mode)  I'm paranoid though...

    Take care.

    Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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    RE:Simultaneous listen, catalogue, rip, encode...impossible dream?
    « Reply #3 on: July 18, 2002, 06:40:27 am »

    Hi JimH.  For a minute there, I thought I wasn't going to get any thing from you except the $85 punch line.

    I'm listening only to APE files and only across a network because for me, these 2 things are not negotiable.  Everything else is, to some degree.

    My mouse is a standard MS PS2 Optical, my video card is a Matrox G450 and my sound card is a M-Audio Delta Dio 24/96.

    Here's my system info:

    Media Jukebox  8.0.331
    Install Path: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\

    CPU: Intel Pentium III 1004 MHz MMX
    Memory: Total - 523 MB, Free - 282 MB
    OS: Microsoft Windows 2000  Workstation 5.0 Service Pack 2 (Build 2195)

    Internet Explorer: 6.0.2600.0000
    ComCtl32.dll: 5.50.4704.1100
    Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2600.0000
    Shell32.dll: 5.00.3502.4718
    wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0001) , ASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL, Copyright © 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc.
    Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0001)

    And here's the server's:

    Media Jukebox  8.0.318
    Install Path: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\

    CPU: Intel Pentium MMX 233 MHz MMX
    Memory: Total - 261 MB, Free - 34 MB
    OS: Microsoft Windows 2000  Server 5.0 Service Pack 2 (Build 2195)

    Internet Explorer: 6.0.2600.0000
    ComCtl32.dll: 5.50.4704.1100
    Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2600.0000
    Shell32.dll: 5.00.3502.4718
    wnaspi32.dll: 4.70 , ASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL, Copyright © 1989-2001 Adaptec, Inc.
    Aspi32.sys: 4.70

    Hi Matt.  I've got a post just for you later.  In the mean time...

    Are you saying this IRQ conflict stuff is just the way it has to be, or is there something I can do?

    There is no bandwidth problem because I can play music with MJ while ripping with 2 devices simultaneously with EAC.  All in fully secure mode, with no reading before the disks are fully spun up for each track.  I have up to 4 instances of the APE encoder running and still get speeds of 8-9 times.

    Listening to: 'Fly By Night' from 'Matt Bianco' by 'Matt Bianco' on Media Jukebox
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