After piecing together information I found, I finally filled in the missing details and made this work. I think I've documented the missing details. Worked very well and fairly easily once I got the hand of it. I hope no one else has to struggle like this just to find the answers.... good luck! P.s. Please forgive the loss of formatting by having to cut and paste into this forum... I couldn't find a place to include an attachement. :-\
1. Backup your library: File->Library->Back Up Library (so you can restore if something goes wrong).
2. Disable Auto-Import: Tools->Auto Import Options (uncheck 'run auto-import in background')
3. If you want to change formats, ie mp3 to FLAC, or your ripping file-naming convention has changed:
a. Select all the tracks you are re-ripping and Tools->Library Tools->Rename, Move, & Copy Files
b. Select Rename (moves files if directory changes).
c. Fill out the Directories, Filename fields to ensure that the old file naming convention matches your current convention so that the original filenames will match the re-ripped filenames.
d. If changing formats (mp3 to flac),
i. Under Filename – change rule to ‘Track #’ only, such that each file looks like 01.flac, 02.flac etc.
ii. Under Find & Replace – fill out 'Find What' field with the old file format extension, eg mp3, and the 'Replace With' field with the new format extension, eg 'flac'
e. Check that the Action window shows correct information for Original and New and then select 'OK'. You will be asked whether to move the files, select 'Yes'. Result is that all files should simply be renamed to something like ‘03.flac’.
4. Select Tools -> Options -> File Location -> Filename rule: [Track #]. By changing the file to track# only, you will be able to overwrite the previous files while keeping the playlists and tags intact.
5. In the Rip Action Window select ‘Options’ -> ‘Advanced Ripping Options’ -> ‘Overwrite Existing Files’ with same name.
6. Re-rip your tracks and ensure they replace the original files
a. If ripping with JRiver Media Center:
i. Rip to a temporary location, and once ripped, delete the new files from the library (do not delete the actual files!)
ii. Use an external file manager to replace the original files with the new ones.
7. Select all the original tracks in JRiver Media Center and perform the following operations:
a. Tools->Library Tools->Update Tags (from library)
b. Tools->Library Tools->Update Library (from tags)
8. Your library should now point at your newly ripped files and have preserved the original files' tags
9. Reset all settings to normal:
a. Re-enable Auto-Import if you use it: Tools->Auto Import Options
b. Select Tools -> Options -> File Location -> Filename rule: [Track #] – [Name]
c. Select Tools->Library Tools->Rename, Move, & Copy Files
i. Select Rename (moves files if directory changes)
ii. Uncheck Find and Replace.
iii. Under Rip Disc window, select Options -> Advanced Ripping Options -> deselect Overwrite Existing Files