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Author Topic: New interface for tagging list-type fields  (Read 1237 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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New interface for tagging list-type fields
« on: October 05, 2010, 02:43:29 am »

15.0.125 (10/1/2010)

2. NEW: New interface for tagging list-type fields that supports ordering (right-click to get recently added tags, and other commands).

This sounds like something that I could find useful, but I do not get it or see any difference from the earlier build. Can someone please give me some hints on how to use this new functionality?

What is a list-type fields "that supports ordering"? How do I make a list-type field support ordering?

"right-click to get recently added tags, and other commands" - Right-click exactly where?


  • MC Beta Team
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Re: New interface for tagging list-type fields
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2010, 03:40:59 am »

all list type fields support ordening. list type fields are for instance, people, keywords, places, actors
when you open one of these in the tag window,or inplace,

you can change the order of the values by dragging them,

or open a text editor to change somethings (this is very handy too).

right click on the list and you get some choices.


edit: for those interested, i think this change followed after this thread:


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: New interface for tagging list-type fields
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 05:05:24 am »

    Thanks Gappie!

    I only use the audio part of MC and I do not use Keywords. I have never seen what you are showing. I guess it only works with those fields showing up in the Tag Action Window and only with the stock fields J River has set as list fields, i.e. not the Artist and Composer fields for instance. With calculated custom fields with &datatype="list", such as Artist
s ([artist]&datatype="list"), I do not see this. If I alter such a field in a pane the items in the corresponding field (i.e. Artist in the example) are always rearranged in alphabetical order.[/list]


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: New interface for tagging list-type fields
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2010, 06:32:49 am »

OK, I think I got it now. It works with custom calculated list type fields if they are used in columns. I had the stock Artist field in a column, not the custom Artists list type field (in order to have the quick jump arrow shown).

I think I like this new feature. I have always added/edited values in a pane or the tagging window and this works as before with the stock fields and custom string type fields I use to import tags (i.e. Mood, Style and Theme). But now I can use the new feature in the Artists column to easily change the order of items, i.e. have the guest artist come after the main artist which feature I missed before. I kept the column with the stock Artist field but made that column so small that it only shows the quick jump arrow. This works for me.
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