I have a lot of video files I'm now trying to manage with MC15, which I've used for many years for my music files. I've run into a new quirk in the File Renaming feature that never came up when managing my music, because I organize them differently.
I'd like to organize the files primarily by genre, then by grouping, then by series. However, while all videos have a Genre assigned, not all have an applicable Grouping or Series. A majority have neither. Some have both. Some one or the other.
When I use the bulk renaming feature to move the files into the preferred directory structure, I'm getting results like this for a majority of the files:
Genre\Unknown Grouping\Unknown Series\Name.m4v
It would be great if instead it could skip null fields on a per file basis.
So, videos with only a genre specified would be written:
Those with a Genre and Grouping:
Those with a Genre and Series:
Those with all fields:
As it is now, I have to do separate renaming batches for each configuration to avoid creating "Unknown Field" directories for any file that lacks an inapplicable value.