Sometimes it's nice to come to a thread late, so you can read what the collective thought and see what percolates up.
Matt asked a neat question, and I loved reading what folks have come up with, given the passage 2|PLS| years of digital audio and the Somewhat More Sophisticated Than Your Average Digital Audio User that MJ selects for.
I'd distill what I heard down to a few generally agreed on bits o' info:
-TV's don't make acceptable monitors. Maybe HDTV or some such will solve this, buy you gotta ask when will the prices be attractive to the majority of the SMSTYADAUs.
-When there is more than one person in the house, most folks don't want the video display to also have to do control duty. When there is a party/wife/kids at the house it would not work to open MJ on the TV to pick a playlist, etc.
-(Corollary from other threads) Remote control of your AVPC via Girder and expensive remote is an incomplete solution not likely to pass the Wife Test.
-Wiring/connectivity is a problem. I have a variety of equipment of various vintages, and wiring it up is a serious bear. Most folks are in the same boat, they won't throw out all the components just so they can go buy everything with the flavor of the month interconnect.
Synthesizing that I'd like to propose two things that together would I think appeal not just to the SMSTYADAU, but also to a broader audience of folks who think maybe it would be smart to use the PC to the work of a heap of expensive, soon obsolete, incompatible, each with their own remote, black boxes.
1. Solve the connectivity issue. What I need is something that I can plug everything into, one way or another, that MJ can control. A hub. Much easier to understand and wire up, rather than the connect the dots spaghetti mess that we have to deal with now. Plug everything in, tell MJ what is there, let it figure out how to get the A and V where it should go.
2. Solve the control issue AND the display issue. How about a wireless Digital Assistant (Palm) app. and plug in? Seems to me that the guy that sees the PC as an answer to lots of proprietary black boxes would rather use his Palm to control the setup than buy another expensive black box (remote) to control his black boxes. The displays are good enough to do the job now, and getting better. It's way neat and elegant solution. And it could be worked on now while we wait for the hardware side of the connectivity issue to get worked out.
Anecdotal: I was just at the house of a guy who is plenty smart, has lots of cash, and loves his toys. There were 7(!) remotes on the coffee table in the living room of his beach house, and a PC used to connect to AOL in the office. Some of the remotes had instructions taped to them so he could remember the umpteen step, 5 remote process to turn on the TV, cable box, amp, dolby box, DVD to play a movie. Oy. There are tens of millions of folks like that out there. None of them will go for the AVPC as it currently stands. Make it easier to set up and control his toys and get rid of all the remotes that he does not know how to use, and sell a ton of units.