I was hoping there was someting I had missed in regards of using the Group By in an album view, while maintaining the sorting as Date Imported, but seems like this issue has been on the table a couple of times earlier.
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=60734.0http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=55737.0http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=59566.0Would you reconsider one of the following:
a) Ability to specify sorting separatly of the Group By field
I guess a suitable way to determin sorting is by calculating group average of the desired sort field
b) Ability to select Group By -> Album (Date Imported)
Not very flexible, but in my opinion at least more interesting than Album (date)
The reason of the request is that I currently use this expression for Group By, to achieve this somewhat:
FormatDate([Date Imported, 0], yyyy-MM-dd)> [Album Artist (auto)] - [Album] ([Year])
The problem with this expression is that I have some files which has not been imported together with the rest of the album (separate buy). And Import Date is not editable, so it ends up a bit ugly for these cases.