I'm new to the FLAC file format and just started using it. All image (covers) were originally added as 300 x 300 jpgs. I have set in Media Center store image in file. I don't know if the image is actually stored inside the file or not, but for each album the Folder.jpg exists, which is a surprise as each song states "Inside File". I'm confused. There is no Folder.jpg for my prior ripped MP3 files. In reviewing all of the attached images, specifically the Folders.jpg stored in each folder, they range from 600 x 600, 500 x 500, 480 x 472, etc. I don't have a concern about the image being up-converted to 600 x 600 (not sure why the up-conversion), but I'm vexed as to why most are in odd formats such as 480 x 472, when all were originally 300 x 300. All the original images were processed in Photoshop CS5 using the exact same procedure. For clarification, the images were attached to the album and then ripped in FLAC. My questions are:
(1) Is the image stored in the FLAC file or not? If so, why is the Folders.jpg being created in each album folder when this isn't done for MP3s? (all things being equal)
(2) Why the up-conversion?
(3) Why are the modifications to the images not equally scaled (480 x 472) rather than (480 x 480)?
(4) If the up-conversion occurs why aren't they all the same resolution (ie., 600 x 600)?
I understand that the above might be trivial, but it is odd behavior and it should be consistent.
Thanks for the feedback, analysis, references, and the education I'm expecting to get!
Media Center
Updated: Resolved.
#1) A: Image stored in FLAC. The Folders.jpg is created if image is attached before the album is ripped.
#2) A: No conversion. Image was downloaded from Internet and Folders.jpg is overwriting image file added manually using "Add From File..."
#3) A: [See #2 Above]
#4) A: [See #2 Above]
If image downloaded from the Internet is performed with Folders.jpg in the album folder and thereafter you perform "Add From File..." to update the image the new image can be replaced later without knowing since the Folders.jpg still exists. I'm not sure what process is occurring that updates the stored image to the Folders.jpg. Any ideas other than the guy behind the keyboard?