Using MC16; have my MP3 files listed in columnar display with columns displayed as:
rating, track #, name, album, genre, duration, bitrate
I have above the columnar list of files the 3-column pane of:
rating, artist, album
As I am listening to files (sorted by the Name column) to decide which CD versions sound best I assign a rating of 5 to the best sounding version and a rating of 1 for the remainder.
Problem: as I am listening to what I think is the best sounding track I move my mouse to the RATING "cell" for the MP3 file that is currently playing so I can assign it the "5-star" rating. It sometimes takes 6+ tries of clicking inside of that cell to change it's value to a 5... however, if I want to change a cell that already has a "5-star" rating back to a one I can left click the mouse to where I think the 1-star value is and it updates immediately
If the MP3 file isn't currently playing and I move the mouse to the Rating cell the small dots (representing stars) "lights up" immediately; if the song is currently being played I can leave the mouse in the rating cell forever and the small dots never appear