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Author Topic: Sending cover art to WDTV LIVE  (Read 2059 times)


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Sending cover art to WDTV LIVE
« on: March 06, 2012, 02:31:38 pm »

Hi there,

I am "sending to" music to my wdtv live hub.  music sent nicely but i do not get cover art.

I have tried turning on the "present small artwork" option in the advanced DLNA servers section as well as the DLNA Extra option (what is that option anyways?)


BTW... Is there a manual that actually goes through and explains all of the options??

JRiver seems to be so powerful that I would actually like to learn all the settings and options.



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Re: Sending cover art to WDTV LIVE
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 05:04:57 am »

I have this problem too, with PlugPlayer on an iPad.

It did work for a time but with various updates to all three components (PlugPlayer, J River MC, WD TV) something's got lost.

The best explanation I've had so far is that some media renderers (i.e. the WD TV) do not accept cover art when "played to".  You can verify this if you use the WD TV interface to browse the server directly, rather than playing to it, I sually do get artowrk that way.


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Re: Sending cover art to WDTV LIVE
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2012, 10:50:36 am »

I have this problem too, with PlugPlayer on an iPad.

It did work for a time but with various updates to all three components (PlugPlayer, J River MC, WD TV) something's got lost.

The best explanation I've had so far is that some media renderers (i.e. the WD TV) do not accept cover art when "played to".  You can verify this if you use the WD TV interface to browse the server directly, rather than playing to it, I sually do get artowrk that way.

The only way to truly get cover art on my WDTV was to embed the art in the file itself. Then via Play To or using the WDTV interface to browse the tunes - the cover art would show...




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Re: Sending cover art to WDTV LIVE
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2012, 10:23:05 am »

I see that as well. Even though the cover art file is supplied in the didl pushed to the WDTV it doesn't request the art.
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