JRiver thinks tracks belong to an ALBUM if ALBUM and ALBUMARTIST are the same.
With the greatest respect it seems JRiver thinks tracks belong to an Album if all the tracks are tagged with the same name under the [ALBUM] tag. I have many albums with different [ALBUM] and [ALBUM ARTIST] tags which show up only once in "Albums" view and only once in "Artist/Albums view.
You probably have different artist in the ALBUMARTIST tag.
If [ARTIST] and [ALBUM ARTIST] are different then it will impact only on my Album Artists/Album view not my Artists/Album or Albums views
The trick: copy ALBUMARTIST into ARTIST to preserve the names
Set ALBUMARTIST to Various Artist
Provided the OP realizes that by doing so J river will see this as a new single artist, like "Simon and garfunkel" is for example one [ARTIST]. If you separate the names with a Colon ";" you now get two separately identified artists.... and 2 album representations in any "Artists" view ie one for each artist.
Basically, based on my observations of MC, if you you want one album representation in an "Artists" view, only have one artist in the [ARTIST] tag.
This is just the way I am seeing it so pleaase correct me if I have it wrong