As MrC wrote, I wasn't trying to shut you down. I was trying to explain why it would not be possible. Perhaps I should have been more clear and used a different screen shot. Pane Tagging is done in Standard View. The reason I brought up Playing Now is because that is the only place where Selection stays with Track Advance. See updated screen shot below.
Maybe if you tried this for yourself, and watched what MC was doing as a song played, it would explain it better.
Start in your Pane Tagging view.
Go to View -> Spit View -> Show 2 Views
Then View -> Spit View -> Lock View 2
In Pane Tagging, right click on any album and select Play.
You will see the entire albums track populate Playing Now and start to play.
You should now have a screen similar to what I have in my screen shot with Pane Tagging on the left and Playing Now on the right.
Notice that Selection in Pane Tagging on the left isn't even with any of the tracks below. It stays with the Album. It is independent. You can watch the tracks advance on the right in Playing Now and Selection moves with track advance. However, on the left, in Pane Tagging, it is not Selection that is moving with track advance, but rather what is "selected" (ie the current track, usually shown by a text color change or boldness).
Now, in Pane Tagging, click on the currently playing track. It should now have Selection (ie be highlighted). But when the track advances, even though Selection stays with track advance Playing Now, in the Pane Tagging window your Selection will stay on the track where you just clicked.
Here is why:
In Pane Tagging, click on any other Artist or Album. Now, your original track list is gone. The current track that is Playing Now on the right side, isn't even shown on the left side. If the track advances, how could it give you Selection on the left side when the track isn't available (see 2nd screen shot)? It would have to completely change your view.
I'm still not ready to throw in the towel because I have experienced the selection following the playing file before when I was tagging video, but I can't replicate that consistently, so I'm trying to learn how it works and how to command that behavior, instead of it happening intermittently.
In Video, it is slightly different because of the way Play initiates on grouping. So if you select Play from hover Play, it sends the whole group to Playing Now. You cannot initiate playback that way with Audio. In this case, since you have Selection now on the first file in Pane Tagging, it will advance with file advance. However, once you click off it, it will no longer be in sync, for the same reasons explained in Audio. Try doing the same experiment with Split View with Video. Maybe it will explain it better when you can see it working.