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Author Topic: Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed  (Read 2648 times)


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Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« on: February 17, 2002, 04:55:37 am »

Well After Playing With This Thing For Two Days

I was having playback problems with MP3 files on all music programs.

this really did not point to a Media Jukebox problem.

removing the soundboard, allowing Windows XP reinstall it drivers and all that did not help.

this morning i pulled the Windows XP disk out and did a full install (not a upgrade), problem solved
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2002, 05:22:57 am »

Great that you got it solved King, but it does not sound like the optimal solution.
The why to the problem doesnt seem to be found.

Did this solution also improve the sound you get when you play an audio cd using digital playback?


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2002, 06:09:50 am »

>>it does not sound like the optimal solution
no it don't but I was out of options since nothing else worked.

>Did this solution also improve the sound you get when you play an audio cd using digital playback?
yes, i had the same problems with audio cd-roms, wav files played in windows and mp3's don't use other formats.

I noticed the problem like 2 weeks ago or so i have just been putting up with it.

i think it is more of a windows xp -> sound board -> driver problem than anything
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2002, 06:36:39 am »

Before I do this kind of action, which you definetely are more familiar with than I am , I would like to check with

- did you also experience problems playing audio cd's using other applications than MJ, for instance EAC, windows mediaplayer etc? ( Because I don't, the sound is clear and clean using these two other applications)

Because of this, I have gathered so far that is is a MJ issue.


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2002, 06:43:20 am »

just triplechecked again - in my mind there is no doubt about this being a MJ issue.

The sound is as I have stated _perfect_ with windows media player and Exact Audio Copy and horrible with pops, scratches
and sound going down and up in speed, playing the same audio cd.

Obviously we must be encountering similar phenomenons, with different why's.


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2002, 06:43:38 am »

>>did you also experience problems playing audio cd's using other applications than MJ

1. RealJukebox
2. MusicMatch
3. Windows Media
4. And My Own Cd-Player In MP3 Tag Grabber

your problem and might not be the same, all i know is it worked for me.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2002, 07:22:29 am »

KingSparta wrote, "this morning i pulled the Windows XP disk out and did a full install (not a upgrade), problem solved"

Yea, I too do this regularly.  Usually every thirty days.
It cleans up everything and makes for a fresh, clean, fast problem-free system.  Of course, I FDISK the target partition first.  King, did you FDISK, first?

When I do the fresh install, I do not do it from a Window's disk, like King. Instead, I do it from a disk partion, where I save a copy of the Window's disk and most other CDs. Actually, it is a copy that has all the Window's Updates for the OS, as well.  King, do you know how to do this?  That is, how to avoid having to manually redo Window's Updates everytime you re-install?  There is a lot of informative stuff on the Internet on partition to partition installs.

A side benefit of this once a month ritual, is that all shareware software operates in full feature mode, regardless of whether you have purchased a license.  I don't mind purchasing a license, but not if it is going to crash or eventually slow down my system.

Given that the currnet state of OS/Applications software, is such that they almost always eventually cause themselves to go bad, it is not only prudant, but mandatory to restore fresh copies to a FDISKed partition, every 30 days.

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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2002, 07:36:06 am »

>>King, did you FDISK, first?
no, it's a 100gig drive and did not want to lose the music since it is not backed up the other files programs i uninstalled them first

>>King, do you know how to do this?
I think norton pro will do this
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2002, 07:46:35 am »

King wrote, "no, it's a 100gig drive and did not want to lose the music ..."

As I am sure you already know, you can FDISK one partition without disturbing the others.
So just create a separate music partition on your 100GB drive.
The music partition (in fact all partitions you have set up to contain data only) is not touched (in fact, it is protected) when you FDisk and re-install your OS/Apllicattion software for a fresh, clean, fast transfusion.

I'll post later, how to create what is called a Slip version of your OS to automatically apply the updates when the OS is re-installed.

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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2002, 08:02:52 am »

i was going to do that when i installed it, but i had problems with the add-on controller card trying to get it reconized by the system and to see all the hard drives once i got it to work i did not want to play with it.

when i get my next system, soon i hope, i will do that

I plan to give this one to my wife, so she can play MahJongg and Solitaire and not bug me about playing games when i am in the middle if something.

I gave my old laptop, 60mhz, 200mhz, and 500mhz computer to goodwill so i need to get something soon. i am waiting for them to get the new HD controller on the mother board.

having only one computer sucks by the way
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2002, 08:23:50 am »

I make a clean install very often.I have two hard drives.Can i move a copie of Windows to drive D?If yes,i just have to type D:\Windows\setup.exe to install?
If my questions are very idiot ones,keep cool,i am far far far to be as good as you are
I feel i can manage with  FDISK if it is  a better solution.In this case what are the steeps?
Where do you put the first install of Windows?


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2002, 08:30:06 am »


Sometimes even the best people dealing with computers everyday have problems.

I know people that do not know where the power button is, need help putting the plug in the wall

they are the ones you just shake your head at and smile
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2002, 09:01:31 am »

zvelele1,  I do not understand every word you write, either!  If you want to install a virgin Windowss and say Media Jukebox from the hard drive, you first make sure you have a partition to keep a virgin copy of Windows, and the MediaJukebox download.  This place can be part of a single hard drive.  You can create this place as part of a single hard drive useing the built in Microsoft program FDisk.  Usually, you do this from a  DOS prompt, provided by a bootable floppy (of a bootable CD) that has enough programs on it to run standalone. Now running in this standalone mode, you copy all of the Windows CD and the download of say MediaJukebox to one of your disk partitions.  You can then install windows from this partition to your other (bootable) partition whenever you want, after FDISKing this partition, by as you wrote above typeing X:\...setup or X:\...mediajukebox.exe.  This gives your system a new beginning, just as if it was brand new out of the box.

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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2002, 09:01:46 am »

In computer,you are always good according to someone.A friend asked me to buy him a dicman cd/cdmp3 in London-Here we have "special taxes" up to 75%.....-But as he said to me "the dicman do not work"
I found  more than 3oo,yes tree hundred,spywares entry on is computer.He had never in many years run scan and defragment.And all his music was rip under the RealJukebox default settings in real format.So noway you can play it on a discman.So,for him i am very good at computer
But there is many posts here,i just do not understand.Some of them .i print it ,and after reading it many times,i understand and try.
Since more than one month i try to set ZoneAlarm at hight secutity level with a ADSL/PPPoE connection.There is few things i cannot find,because i do not know what is it.And,mind you,all of it is on my computer,two clicks away


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2002, 08:47:13 am »

Just an update...

I also reported crashing with MJ.

Since i have re-installed Windows XP, and MJ latest beta I have not had another crash

so i guess both problems were Windows XP and or System Related
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2002, 08:55:58 am »

and you doubted this?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2002, 09:02:43 am »

>>and you doubted this?

well, was not sure

Just figured I would clear up my findings

I just wonder what started it, maybe something got corruped in windows (registry, or something else) who knows.


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2002, 05:08:27 am »

I did not see your answer before .Thank you.I feel i understand your answer.
Here is what i asked you about drive D
I have drive C with Windows.I have drive D with music on it and a folder with all the "exe"
I mean what to get when you download a program.After download,you click on it to run the install of the program
If i move the folder Windows after i did all the uppdates and the tweaks to drive D.Or let say if i put a copy of it on drive D.Can i install Windows from it ?...D:\Windows\setup.exe ?


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2002, 05:31:54 am »

Xstatic> I know I'm coming into this thread a little late, but here's what I found on my XP system when I started having problems with digital CD playback.

I had my CD-ROM set to ASPI in MJ's Device Settings. When I changed that to IDE, the problem went away.

I haven't tried it in a while, so I can't say for sure that the problem hasn't returned, but the last I knew, it was fine.


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2002, 06:45:36 am »

Hi zevele1, I am glad that you saw my post.  By the way, I like your posts.  They are a challenge to parse, because as you posted, English is not your native language.  That's good for me, because I do not think I would even notice if you were flaming me.

I'll steal Harry The Hipster's respond-in-line technique:

zevele>I did not see your answer before .Thank you.I feel i understand your answer.
[former member]>Thanks.
zevele>Here is what i asked you about drive D. I have drive C with Windows. I have drive D with music on it and a folder with all the "exe".
[former member]>OK, at some point you you installed windows to C, and have your music on D.  You also have some *.exe files on D.  I don't know exactly which *.exe are on D.  I assume that you mean the Media Jukebox (MJ) self- extracting download and perhaps also the run time MJ  exe.
zevele>I mean what to get when you download a program. After download,you click on it to run the install of the program?
[former member]>When you download MJ, you download a MJ.exe file. But it is not a run-time executable file.  As you probably know, it is a file meant to be executed, mostly once, before program run-time, in order to build the MJ production system.  Part of the production system is another MJ .exe file, but this is a production .exe.  NOT an install .exe.

The same can be said of the Windows install process. When you execute the Window's setup.exe file, it builds the run time Windows executable.  Here are the significant elements:
1-C and D do not necessarily have to name two physically different disks.  C: and D: can name two different partitions, on the same physical disk.
2-FDisk is a program that manages partition.  Have you ever used FDisk?  It can be run from a bootable floppy, that contains the FDisk program.  You can use it to delete an existing partition, say C:, and then create a new, virgin C: partition.  That would wipe out the Windows that had been on your C: partion.  You would need to re-install windows by executing Window's setup.exe.  If you already had copied the Window's CD to say a directory on your D: partions called 'copy of Windows CD', the you could click on D:\....setup.exe.  You would do this after booting from a floppy, like the start-up floppy that contained a minimal OS.
3-An alternative to FDisk is a program calle Ghost, now part of Symantec Norton.  The Ghost part is available as a free download on the internet.  Ghost is more flexible than FDisk.  Like FDisk, you usually put Ghost onto a bootable floppy, so you are not dependent on any OS runnning from you hard drive.  Now Ghost can create partitons like FDisk can, but Ghost can also copy a partition very quickly.  So an alternative way to install a clean, virgin, fresh, Windows partion, is the use Ghost to copy Window from C: to a second virgin partition immediately after you install Windows to C.  Better still is to first install Windows to a virgin C:, then do your Windows Updates, then copy the patched Windows on C: to a virgin partion, say D:.  Why?  Well, then whenever you wanted to start afresh, you could use Ghost to delete and re-create a virign C: and then copy D: back to C:.  You would then have a fresh, fast, virgin partition, which by the way would allow you to install and run Media Jukebox with full functionality, even if your *.rrg license file would not work.
4- Ghost can be run across a network.  So you can do your backups, checkpoints, re-installs, etc, by mereley making a partion to partion copy at critical checkpoints.  Usually when shareware displays its install warning about not running any programs (like virus checkers, etc) during the actual install, is the time to make a virgin partition and use Ghost to copy your boot partion.  That way you can do any previous install as many times as you want to.  You can go back to Media Jukebox 7.2 or 1.1 if you want to.

Good luck

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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2002, 07:12:06 am »

I have 3 partitions on one drive and 2 on the other one looks like five hard drives but there is only two I do have a boot partition on each HD never had a problem with them except to figure out all the letters with the burner and CD-Rom I learned the alphabet real quick and had to write them down for a while. It sure does make things simple when you reload windows not having to go back and get all the updates they come out with.


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RE:Bad PlayBack Sound Problem Fixed
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2002, 07:14:23 am »

ditto the GOOD JOB.  Thanks.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox
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