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Author Topic: Gizmo showing Playlists, but not playing. Unable to register Library Server  (Read 3981 times)


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Gizmo has been happily working for ages...
Then, in order -
Gizmo can get Playlist names, but not track names
In MC19, Access Key failed a check - 'can not connect to Internet / blocked outgoing http'

In order I have -
Deleted Gizmo cache
Reinstalled Gizmo

reset MC19 Access Key - I now cannot register Library Server (same no connection issue)
Reset Internet modem to factory.
Disable Windows Firewall
restart PC (Windows 10 Home - fully updated)
Reestablish port forwarding (52199 to PC)

Gizmo (using internal IP) is able to list Playlist names, but not files therein
MC19 is able to browse podcast info, but not register Library Server
I have attached a log of MC19 attempting to Register Library Server

I don't know if this is one or two problems, but the change in operation seems to have happened together.  There is obviously some connectivity, but something is missing
Have I missed anything?


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If it just stopped working, it's not MC or Gizmo.  It's either security software or a network issue.  Try power cycling everything.

The wiki topic called Network Access might be useful.
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