having given up on MCTV due to failure of MC to flawlessly stop PVRing and causing huge files as a result, i tried it again recently and the serious failure to stop flaw seems to have been corrected. i now go back to an earlier request for channel logo's to be associated with channels (this is SOP for WMC and XBMC and should be for MCTV), i would also like MCTV to integrate with IMDB as follows (this is a very good feature of XBMC) i can "watchlist" a movie or tv series on IMDB and it integrates then very well into XBMC (XBMC wathlist is also created) this then enables very easy subscription, recording, tracking, etc.). IMO it is very easy to set up as it runs off a persons IMDB ur# and as long as it is public away we go.