If you rip your CD's to 24-bit, 176,400 Hz, WAV files and listen to them on MC they sound wonderful. I can't explain why - try it and see. Here are the steps to follow:
First, rip the CD at read speed 2-4X (Tools/Options/CD,DVD/General/CD-Ripping/ReadSpeed). Save the file to your hard drive as an uncompressed wave (Tools/Options/Encoding/Encoder).
Then, convert and save the rip as a 24-bit, 176,400-Hz, uncompressed wave file:
1. Select the files to be converted.
2. Select (Tools/AdvancedTools/ConvertFormat)
3. Under (ConvertFormat/ConvertFileTo) select <Uncompressed Wave> on the drop down menu
4. Under Convert Format, select (Options/AudioConverter/Audio/ApplyDSP/OutputFormat/Output/176,000Hz)
5. Under Convert Format, select (Options/AudioConverter/Audio/BitDepth/24-bit)
6. Click <OK> to save changes.
7. Under Convert Format, click <Convert>