What's the JRMark of the VM? I'm curious as on-the-fly transcoding is an important part of my use case.
Not great!
=== Running Benchmarks (please do not interrupt) ===
Running 'Math' benchmark...
Single-threaded integer math... 21.737 seconds
Single-threaded floating point math... 11.336 seconds
Multi-threaded integer math... 43.606 seconds
Multi-threaded mixed math... 22.435 seconds
Score: 192
Running 'Image' benchmark...
Image creation / destruction... 1.679 seconds
Flood filling... 1.700 seconds
Direct copying... 3.947 seconds
Small renders... 7.479 seconds
Bilinear rendering... 22.225 seconds
Bicubic rendering... 11.263 seconds
Score: 456
Running 'Database' benchmark...
Create database... 0.901 seconds
Populate database... 5.223 seconds
Save database... 1.433 seconds
Reload database... 0.334 seconds
Search database... 8.498 seconds
Sort database... 4.240 seconds
Group database... 2.505 seconds
Score: 929
JRMark (version 21.0.50): 526