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Author Topic: martykoenig requests  (Read 1864 times)


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martykoenig requests
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:35:00 am »

In the feature requests thread, martykoenig asked for a bunch of features, about half of which MC already does.  I've made this thread to discuss those features.

Better search such as Artist:Genesis. Instead of finding Genesis in every album, artist, song, metadata, bitrate (not really), etc.

From the search box at the upper right, you can specify search terms like:  artist=Genesis .  Or artist="genesis" (which will find any artist with genesis in their name somewhere.  If you click on the magnifying glass in that search box, you'll get a menu.  The "Wizard" item on that menu will bring up a dialog that will let you specify very complex (or not so complex) searches using a more friendly interface.

Ditto on previous post: the ability to separate the playing now  playlist according to a specified field.

Ditto on Set the ordering via sorting.  Then right click on the zone name in Playing Now and select "update order".

MC doesn't do "separation" the way a previous poster described it, as a line in between albums or artists.  But sorting is absolutely supported.  Just click on any column and playing now will sort that way.  Then right click on the zone name in the Playing Now section on the left.  You'll get a context menu with several choices including "update order".  That will renumber playing now to correspond to the displayed order.

Huge Ditto on Continuous playing of all songs by an artist, not just the current album. If JRiver can list all the songs in album/date order, we should be able to press play and have it work through the lot without having to create a playlist.

MC does this in just about every view type.  In a Panes view, right click on an artist name in a Pane and select "Play".  This will play every song by that artist, in order.  In a categories view, right click on an artist thumbnail and select play and it does the same thing.  If there's a view you use where you can't see how to do this, please post a screen shot of your view and we should be able to show you how to do this in a few clicks.

An Option to Automatically save EQ and Parametric EQ by file and by album - i.e., save last settings to the file or album. They are all mastered differently, and I have to adjust the sound every so often, even when I go back and play an album or file later on.

MC already supports this via a tag called [DSP].  Put the name of a DSP preset in that field and MC will switch to it when it plays that song.  This system could definitely use an update and it's very hard to use currently due to that preset "sticking" after it is set.  This means that once you do it for one song, you have to do it for all songs, giving the "regular" songs a DSP preset that contains your normal everyday settings.

Ditto on I can't tell you what I'd give for a simple album inventory list with/without album artwork.  it should be more obvious how to do that.

A Panes view, showing the [Album] field is a pretty good approximation of this.  It displays every album alphabetically ordered and gives you a count at the top.  Did you know you can change the Albums view to text instead of pictures?  Switch to Albums view, then click up top where it says Albums with a little down arrow; this brings up a menu.  Select List Style > Details .  Now you've got an album list with no thumbnails, ordered however you currently have Albums set to sort.

I hope this helps with some of the things you want to do with MC.  It's not all exactly as you have envisioned it, but almost everything I wrote about above works pretty well (with the exception of EQ presets).

Feel free to ask questions, discuss, etc; that's why I started a separate topic.

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