In this case , it is better to set one to USB and the other
to PS/2 ?
My main keyboard is the English/hebrew one.With english use at around 85+%
But all my mails to family ,friends with e without ' is kind of english without H in tHe ,THerefore ,tHem ,tHen.
Well ,not really ,but kind of.
I asked Xen The Great ,cause i did not see your answer.
Not because i did not trust your answer.
To Xen The gREAt:
What do you mind by Morpheus?
A Hillary Software?
Or an grec god?
If the second ,Morpheus is the good of SLEEP .
So better to use another one...
Beside this OGG rules ..until you listen to MPC
But OGG players would ,soon ,be out. NEVER a MPC player .......
But OGG is SO MUCH BETTER than MP3...
Hey ,Xen ,we are now starting a 1234567890 posts.......
But ,i like so much to mess around... that i have to say that i like so much O[ rgasm for] G {entry ] G[entlewomen and Gentlemen] format ..
Listening to: 'L'Adjudant Gereux' from 'Billy Ze Kick et les Gamins en folie' by 'Billy Ze Kick et les Gamins en folie' on Media Center 9.1
"When i was a child ,i was an idiot
Now that i'am an adult ,i'am an moron
... I'am a policemen
I'am still annoying people
But now ,i 'am on payroll..............
To do it.
So true... Well ,not here ,but SO true in France...