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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 25.0.74 for Mac -- Available Here  (Read 898 times)


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JRiver Media Center 25.0.74 for Mac -- Available Here
« on: July 08, 2019, 04:38:31 pm »

This is the latest build of JRiver Media Center 25.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


25.0.74 (7/8/2019)

1. Changed: When doing a movie lookup, the year will be stripped from the name if the movie is named like [Name] ([Year]).
2. Changed: M4A files will be marked as not HDCD if the compression is set to "MP4 AAC".
3. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
4. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
5. NEW: Added a "Play Doctor" options page and it allows setting rules for file playback.
6. Changed: The play button on a remote when playback is paused will unpause instead of looking for something new to play.
7. Fixed: The library authorization popup would hang if you right-clicked inside one of the edit boxes.
8. Fixed: Some MP4/m4a/m4v files with bad 'free' atoms would not play.
9. Fixed: The optimization to library fields would cause drop list edit types to fill with only some of the values.
10. Changed: Opened Cloud Play up to trial users.
11. NEW: Added a Rand(...) expression function to generate a random number between the two bounds specified.  The last optional parameter specifies if you want integer or decimal.
12. Faster: In-place editing in a huge library is faster.
13. Faster: Enumerating playlists is faster which helps things like Options search with a huge number of playlists.

25.0.71 (6/28/2019)

1. Fixed: Tagging widows that did an auto-select and included a suggestion box could lose focus causing the backspace key to jump back in the UI instead of performing a backspace.
2. Changed: Made the Tag Action Window save and load the scroll position as you navigate (and select no files then select files again).
3. Changed: The blue light will illuminate when decoding HDCD (previously that would cause the light to disengage).
4. Changed: Renamed the option "Process HDCD" to to "Play as HDCD if possible".
5. Changed: Made passing a negative number into ListLimit will grab that many from the end of the list.
6. NEW: Added the smartlist rule ~linkexpand to expand the links in a smartlist.
7. Changed: Made the about box identify the program as 32-bit (it would already identify 64-bit).
8. Changed: Files are no longer marked as dirty when they get flagged as not HDCD so they will not tag because of it.
9. Changed: Made the ListLimit MCWS function take an optional third parameter for the index to start at.
10. NEW: Added Options > Library & Folders > Analyze HDCD Files to flag the analyzer to look at the HDCD state.  It defaults to off so no analysis will be done unless you opt-in.
11. Changed: When the program loads, it will go through files and mark lossy files as not HDCD and files that aren't 44100x16x2 as not HDCD.
12. Changed: Added a message when iTunes playlist import finishes with the number of playlists and directions about where to find them (or an error if no playlists were found).
13. Changed: Searching for files then deleting all of them from Playing Now will reset the search.
14. NEW: Added the MCWS function ListLimit to cap the size of a list of items.
14. Fixed: Pressing Shift+Delete in Playing Now would crash.
15. Changed: Made artist image lookup key into the fact that it's a music artist a little better (so playing bands with animal names, etc. will show better matches).
16. Fixed: Right-click play commands were not all working properly (may need to re-add the Add to Playing Now toolbar button to make it work).

25.0.65 (6/24/2019)

1. Changed: Tagging no longer runs on URLs or Radio Paradise files.
2. NEW: DLNA: HDCD info passed via JRiver specific DiDL to enable processing by a MC renderer.
3. Fixed: Files could get erroneously tagged during playback.
4. Fixed: Picking "Export Playlist..." from the view header menu would reset the selection.
5. Fixed: Encoder settings could get saved to the registry as the default profile and cause DLNA playback issues between L16 and WAV.
6. Fixed: HDCD decoding would engage when the HDCD field was set to unknown (-1).
7. Changed: Added the options Audio > Advanced > Process HDCD to enable and disable HDCD procssing during playback.
8. Changed: Made the new lyrics lookup option also apply when turning on lyrics display.
9. Fixed: The "Add to Playing Now" toolbar button was not working properly.

25.0.62 (6/21/2019)

1. Fixed: Most of the lyrics lookups on Mac were failing because of improperly formatted URL's.
2. Changed: Made lyrics lookup at playback time if lyrics display is on optional.
3. Changed: When deleting a single audio file from the library, the program will list the name, artist, and album on the delete dialog.
4. Fixed: The HDCD decoder could trigger when a match occured that changed nothing, but now it only triggers on files with matches that make changes.
5. Changed: Reenabled thumbnailing for Radio JRiver files.
6. NEW: Added the function MCWS/v1/Playlist/MoveFile to move a file in a playlist.
7. Changed: Made the thumbnail frames option a choice between on, off, and images frames off.
8. Fixed: In some linux window managers, there were issues with the tag window and suggestion windows getting and setting proper focus.
9. Fixed: In linux the right-click menu in video playback in display mode wouldn't stay enabled.
10. Fixed: Removed the Image option from playing now display view right-click that only ever worked on Windows and was no longer in use.
11. Changed: German translation updated (thanks ByteStar).
12. Changed: Renamed the thumbnail option to "Draw frames on thumbnails" from "Draw frames on image thumbnails" and made it turn off all border drawing when disabled.
13. Changed: Made lyrics lookup an array instead of throwing a message that there was already a process running.
14. Changed: The audio analyzer will think a file needs analysis if the HDCD field is -1.
15. NEW: Panel - Added Cloudplay to Panel. Note: 'Playing to' in Panel cannot be set to 'Here' (the browser) for Cloudplay to work.
16. NEW: Panel - Added a button to the Settings page, in the Library tab, to run auto-import.
17. NEW: Panel - Added a button to the Playing Now page menu that will swap the slider between volume and playback if only one is displayed.
18. NEW: Panel - Added an option to clear the playing now list in the options menu on the playing now page.
19. Changed: Panel - Changed the Information tab title on the Settings page to Library.
20. Fixed: Scrobbling a stream URL did not always work.
21. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
22. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.78.
23. Changed: HDCD decoding would reduce the volume by 6 dB.
24. Changed: Re-enabled view switching (to Playing Now, etc.) when playing from a webpage.
25. Fixed: When the tree would show again because of clicking a toolbar button, it would not always redraw fully.
26. Changed: Marked the string "Show Media Center" for translation in a way that should work better for German, etc.
27. Fixed: Read-only authentication wasn't getting set properly.
28. Fixed: Only outputting the selected tracks in a playlist export was not working.
29. Changed: Moved the reporting of HDCD up in the Audio Path display list.
30. NEW: Added HDCD detection to the audio analysis process.
31. Changed: When restoring from Library Server, the program will show the same views instead of showing the startup views.
32. Fixed: When turning lyrics on, they didn't always reload when the lyrics changed.
33. Fixed: The new MP4 detector would rename m4a files to mp4.
34. Fixed: The program could crash during import.
35. Fixed: Re-enabled the failure message on trying to play files which didn't resolve, with additional checks to avoid errorneous messages.
36. Fixed: Improved playback of Movie trailers from YouTube.
37. Changed: When playing Radio JRiver or Radio Paradise from MCWS, the player will be put in error free mode so it won't popup errors about playback failures.
38. Changed: When Scrobbling the playing file, the updated metadata from playback will be used instead of the database values.
39. Fixed: Clicking on a file in the list wouldn't play it because of change #48 below.
40. Changed: Switched the order of the displayed information in the toolbar so the order matches between single file and multiple file selection.
41. NEW: When turning lyrics on, they will be looked up for the current file if it has no lyrics.
42. Changed: If lyrics display is on, each track will lookup lyrics as it is played if it doesn't already have lyrics.
43. Changed: The Cloudplay web page is now directly accessed from the Cloudplay item in the main tree.  It used to be under the Playlists node in the tree.
44. Changed: Downloaded Cloudplay playlists now show up in playlist group 'Cloudplay Playlists' rather than simply 'Cloud'.
45. Changed: Cloudplay users can now quickly view their favorite playlists - ones they have 'liked'.
46. NEW: Added a play Radio JRiver MCWS call.
47. NEW: Added play Radio JRiver toolbar buttons.
48. Changed: The new stream analyzer to determine the playback type no longer runs on URLs.
49. Changed: Made the bitrate in the player window padded so it's about the same width when switching to and from 1000.
50. Fixed: The image tooltip in the player window could be a little touchy about showing.
51. Changed: The new threaded library tools are shown by reporter and properly stopped on shutdown.
52. NEW: Added the MCWS function Playlist/Rename to rename a playlist.
53. NEW: Added a mechanism to detect file types by something other than extension.  Started by making MP4 inside MP3 work nicely.
54. Changed: Thumbnail text is top aligned instead of vertically centered.
55. Changed: Playing a filename that didn't resolve would play the current files intead of showing a failure message.
56. Fixed: Playback of WavPack DSD files in DoP mode did not work reliably.

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