There is an easy fix to this caveat though Marko;
There is a caveat though...
Imagine I had a playlist on the playlist root called "Hidden Gems" that had stuff I always wanted to hear...
the -p=hidden,recycle rule would unfortunately exclude that playlist too as it contains 'Hidden'.
The shortcut does appear to match anywhere in the playlist path though, so if I used -p=duplicates\hidden then the "Hidden Gems" list would not be excluded.
Just use the rule:
Which excludes the files if it belongs to a Playlist that exactly matches "Hidden" or "Recycle". The [] meaning the beginning and ending of the characters to match, so that anything that only
includes "Hidden" or "Recycle" will not match.
I did a quick test using your example "Hidden", "Recycle", and "Hidden Gems" Playlists, in a Smartlist which included files based on them being in a Playlist called "Enigma" that I manually created, and that seems to work just fine. A file in the Smartlist "Hidden Gems" is not excluded, while files in the "Hidden" and "Recycle" Playlists were excluded.
Of course, the above rule can only be added using a Custom rule as you did or using the "Import/Export" button to manually code the rule.
I didn't test with the "Playlist Path" used for Grouped Playlists such as duplicates\hidden though... Wait, I just did. I put all my test Playlists and the Smartlist in a Playlist Group called "Duplicates", and the following rule worked: