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Author Topic: MC9 and LCD based menu?  (Read 1129 times)


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MC9 and LCD based menu?
« on: May 02, 2003, 09:54:31 am »

Now that I have gotten into MC...  I have to make is usable with my current MP3 Server - (Winamp and Markus Zehnder LCD menu PLugin - to a CF634 LCD).  My MP3 server is in the basement with the LCD and an IR target in my system setup in the living room.  THe IR target relays the IR to an IR man connected to the Computer in the basement (also to a tivo and a satellite reciever...).  Using Girder, I control Winamp through the MZ LCD Plugin.   Looks and works great....

BUT,  now that I have started using MC - I want to USE MC.   So I have the following questions:

1)  How does "remote server" work?  I haven't been able to locate a good description of how it works - and how to interface with it....  Is it two way?

2) Could a SKin be written that would allow interface with an LCD through Girder or jaLCDs external variables?  

3) is it possible to have the simple tree based interface (smart lists, etc....) able to be queried by third party programs so that they could interface with MC?  Somewhat like what the Tivo does...  

There is an entire marketplace out there of people setting these servers up at home or in cars...  Allowing simple exporting of variables or access would facilitate these adaptations or uses of MC.    

Any help is great!  I am just finding it harder to not have access to the MC playlists/smartlists on my MP3 server now that I can get them on my TiVo....



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Re: MC9 and LCD based menu?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2003, 11:01:44 pm »

I am going to leave the 'server in the basement angle' out as it confused me on first read and I dont see it as relevant (where the media files live) re playback... am I right in thinking that the player PC is aheadless (no monitor or keyboard) and in the living room space attached to a stereo ??

If so there are a few very nice headless control options for MC but the LCD solution is currently lacking (could be built with girder / DVDSpy / OSD / Serial control plug ins but would be hard work)...

I found some touchpad PC's (fujitsu stylistic) pretty cheap and use these running Glissando over 802.11 to provide a very nice wireless interface that can be used anywhere to control the MC 'server' in my rack... The added bonus is I can websurf (great to hit IMDB during a flick to settle those bets ;) ) with them etc... I am thinking about selling the 2 I have and going with a Progear tablet PC (about $500 or a hair more) for the XGA TFT screen and more Mhz CPU... Very sweet option like this for color control pad... Equals multi thousand crestron controllers IMHO...

You could use a 802.11 PDA and Netremote for a small form factor plam of hand controller for MC... This is not something I have done but the proponents of this solution seem to love it...

Another glissando hack I did was buy a Virgin Webplayer Internet appliance and hack it into a small LCD screened (SVGA DSTN) PC... Due to its small form factor and black / silver looks it fits right at home on top of my rack and with allows glissando control of the same server (all clients update as MC has tracks added to the playlist etc...) plus as it comes with an IR keyboard you can use Girder to capture keypresses (or learn the keypresses into a learning remote) and have IR control from a Pronto or similar of glissando...

loads of options in the cheap end that really look impressive...      

none of these solve your wish for LCD controll I am afraid they are just how I tacked the same issue in a more graphical way...
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