Over the past week I noticed a surprising change in MC's interactions with my Kef LSX speakers and would be grateful if anyone can explain what is happening.
Some time back in March, I think, I posted about the problems I was having i.e. after a period of playback, MC would lose control of the LSX speakers and I'd tear my hair trying to make the system work again. I had some suggestions from guys on here, including Bob who asked me to email the MC. None of the suggestions worked. Then I discovered that if I restarted the router, everything started working smoothly again. Except that I been having to restart the router every day or 2. But then last week something changed:
1. the network speakers have along appeared on MC as "KEF LSX" but that changed to "LSX 0242C2"
2. I noticed I also no longer need to restart the router, which is great.
1. I have not updated MC in weeks and am still on 26.0.87.
2. I have not updated the machine's OS since OS X 10.15.5 came out.
3. the firmware on the router has not updated since the January.
4. the network speakers' firmware has not updated since last year.
What is happening? Should I be concerned about these self-initiated changes?
Note, I also operate MC from another machine running on High Sierra and have noticed on it the same change: suddenly identifying network speakers as "LSX 0242C2" not "KEF LSX" as previously, and no more incidents of MC losing control of the speakers.
Just to be clear: I'm delighted by the improvement in performance. I'm just curious to understand why and how it has come about.