Thanks for the good information about cover art and artist images. I should have been more clear about exactly what I want to do. We hold occasional themed music evenings where we do some fairly serious listening - the story being told by the song, the harmonies, the instruments, etc. After a song finishes I want an image that I have selected to come up on the screen to replace the cover art that was there while the song was playing. While this image is up we will discuss the song that just played and someone will then explain the next song in the playlist. When we are ready for the next song we would just use the "Next" button to move ahead. This would continue through the playlist. The image inserted between each song might be the same each time, or different, but will be relevant to the theme of the playlist. As we have done these events in the past we either have to pause at the end of the completed song, which leaves up the cover art for that song, which is not ideal when we are discussing the upcoming song, or let it move to the next song and then pause it, which is also not good when discussing the just completed song. No, this isn't a big deal, but it would make a smoother and more professional flow if we could insert images as I described. BTW, I have mostly abandoned use of artist images since they are often not for the artist being played due to confusion of names, especially for lesser-known artists.