While I use JRemote as a remote and find it quite convenient, my favorite use is as part of a listening spot in the living room. I use it on an Ipad with what I quess is a IPAD print cable, which passes the file to a headphone DAC/Amp in whatever bit rate the file is stored in. This DAC can handle most any bit rate so anything I play from MC running on a PC somewhere in the house sounds great. It's nice not being restricted to being a cords length from a PC.
The only thing missing is some equalization. I don't care if it's software or hardware driven but I can't figure out a way of doing it. I don't think an IPad app will work as the file leaves the device as a document would if I was using the connection to print. I would be really happy if I could utilize MC's equalizer, but that doesn't seem to be in play in this setup. For me, some equalization improves any headphone you may be using. I'd put a physical equalizer in, but I don't see a way to connect it to the audio path.
Anybody had the occasion to do this?