When I stop playback of a movie in JRiver, the sample rate changes to 192kHz. This only happens when I am bitstreaming Dolby/DTS content. After issuing a stop, my processor shows the format change to PCM when I get back to the JRiver window; at this point the sample rate also changes and it always gets set to 192kHz. Each time the sample rate changes, I hear a pop through the speakers.
In the log, a snippet of which I am attaching below, one can see an event that seems to be changing the sample rate. Is there a way to avoid changing the sample rate or to have it always get set to the windows default, which in my case is set to 48kHz.
0020746: 11708: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::Open: Start
0020749: 11708: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::Open: Device: Altitude (NVIDIA High Definition Audio); Exclusive: 1; Event style: 1, afOutput: 192 kHz 16bit 8ch
0020749: 5504: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::Thread: Start
0020749: 5504: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::Thread: Starting WASAPI
0020749: 5504: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::StartWASAPI: Start
0020766: 5504: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::StartWASAPI: Started WASAPI: 19200 buffer blocks, 400.0000 internal buffer ms, 99 fill sleep ms, output format 192 kHz 16bit 8ch
0020766: 5504: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::StartWASAPI: Success opening device
0020766: 5504: Playback: CWASAPIPlugin::StartWASAPI: Finish (17 ms)