Hi all,
I'm endeavouring to set up synchronised playback from MC. I understand this is not provided out of the box. Snapcast seems to provide the necessary synchronisation capability. I run MC32 on a Mac Mini (love it!) and my music is all flac. I would run the snapserver on the same machine. Snapclients would be Raspberry Pis.
Question is how would I pass a stream of music from MC to a snapserver?
I saw this thread, but the music was on an SD card, not streamed from MC:
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,135303.msg937935.html#msg937935There are multiple ways to pass the audio stream to a snapcast server. From the git snapcast readme:
https://github.com/badaix/snapcast/blob/develop/README.md "The Snapserver reads PCM chunks from configurable stream sources:
-Named pipe, e.g. /tmp/snapfifo
- ALSA to capture line-in, microphone, alsa-loop (to capture audio from other players)
- stdout of a process"
Snapcast may only work with a PCM input stream - I'm trying to confirm this.