It's a long time since I organized my Audio library and I've pretty much forgotten how I went about it. Now I want to organize my Video library and am stumbling at the first hurdle.
At the moment the sub heads under Video are Files, Home Videos, Movies and Shows. I'd like Files, Home Videos, Music Videos, Movies and TV Shows. To get started, How can I create those new 'folders' and what must I do to the individual video files to label them correctly - Movie, TV Show etc?
I've actually managed to sort most of it out, I know, I'm surprised too. There is one thing though I've created a Music Video media sub type and have labelled all the relevant files. However, under the Video heading I now have Files, Home Videos, Movies and TV Shows, despite having a Music Video sub type and many files labelled as such Music Videos doesn't show as a sub Heading under Video. How can I rectify this?
And with Movies all my movies now show under Video/Movies but as Unassigned. How can I fix that?