Why taunt your own users? What is the point?
They don't think they belong to us. We've tried to convince them, but it's been unsuccesful.
I knew the best you could do would be to offer nothing but sarcasm.
But if my wording actually threw you for a loop, I'll help: The term "your" doesn't imply ownership, but rather a mere association. We are your users just like it's "your" planet and "your" country. Hope that helps.
I look forward to the tricentennial, when something meaningful might actually happen. For now, I have to believe that you exhibit a distasteful combination of silence and sarcasm because you have nothing meaningful going on.
Maybe if you lightened up a little you'd understand the humor in the situation. I think it's obvious to most rational people that this is just a bit of fun. Kind of like music. It's supposed to be about fun. But thanks for sucking all the enjoyment out of the moment. And adding a new source of enjoyment for those of us who DO get it.
you're walking down the street. a street entertainer "innocently" picks your pocket and then shows you your wallet, and gives it back. you think "oh how neat, thanks for the trick!"
the same thing happens to someone else, and they're annoyed, because they like to choose when they get tricked. this person may well be walking to see a comedy show... it's not that they lack a sense of humor. they just don't like people imposing trickery on them when they simply feel like doing so.
there is no need to come down on someone for having a different personality than you.
but no one should be too upset over this particular little goof. peace and happiness all around