One thing that I miss in MC compared to WinAmp is the randomplay when you really have no idea which song is next. I'd like to be able to insert a "random song"-object in my playlists, or even insert it alone for a continuos truly random playlist.
I was thinking about a interface similar to the "Send to"-meny you get when right clicking on a file. In the meny that appears you would be able to choose what kind of random-obejct...for example:
Random song (a truly random song in the library)
Random song from playlist (a random song from a special playlist, this could be a smartlist that you have especially designed for random play. Perhaps a "Random - Favorite softmod"-object which is a smartlist containing my toprated songs from female r'n'b-artists...)
Random favorite (Any 4 or 5-stars rated song)
Random artist/album/category (a random song from specified category, this could possibly be left out if you are able to link to a smartlist instead)
For this purpose there could be a new standard-category in playlists (beside the existing auto-smartlist collection), a special Random-play category of playlists.
So I hope in the future I will be able to insert an "Random - Favorite rock of the 80's"-obejct into Playing Now.
I really like having no idea what song comes next, it would also make life easier when you get home from work - just turn the computer and stereo on, and you will always have a fresh mix through the speakers. Thanks for a nice piece of software, since an hour ago I'm a proud owner of a MC11-license (have been using it for some time though
), besides my MC9 and MC10-licenses.