It's not that nice to use at the moment. Sadly the .NET framework
is not very speedy in the GUI components area at the moment, meaning
large folders take quite a long time to open. I think in Vista we get
Hardware Acceleration which will make this sort of thing a doddle!
Also if you have a lot of files it takes along time to get from one end of
a row to another!
I have got a few more ideas on how to make it more usable tho
such as hover folders which open when you hover the mouse in the
right place, so I may keep working on it in the background, and once
it's up to a more usable state I may release it and see what people think!
On the other hand I've spent the past four weeks writing a 73 page document
on it and File Managers.
By next Wednesday it needs to hit about 80 pages, and get bound
and proof read
All in all I'm some what sick of the site of it!
So I'll be taking a long break before returning to it!
Thanks for the comments tho!