[Please let me know if you want new bug threads or in the "version" threads. This does not seem related to a specific version, so started new thread]
1.You are getting EXIF data from JPG but not RAW. When I click on "Format" on a RAW fiel I can see Maker:Nikon and Model: D70S, so you are getting something, but not all of it. When I Update Library from Files, it does not take these fields into the corresponding Camera field. I am using Nikon, so my RAW files are really NEF file types. Other image viewers can see EXIF from JPG and RAW files, I confirmed this. I think you need to support EXIF across all image types you support (in other words give the same support to all image types), so I consider this a bug that EXIF is not being recognized in RAW files.
2. I think Marko has pointed out a connection between whether an image file has an "MJMD" tag and how the EXIF information updating works. He reported that if a file did not have MJMD tagging, the image tag updating could overwrite tags. With that said, here is my scenario:
* previously moved NEF files into a new album. (i.e. got rid of default Album tag of 2006-01-20 and made a different album tag)
* keep in mind NEF does not have MJMD tags, the format does not support it.
* when I later did an Update Library From Files (to try and get the Camera Make and Model), it over wrote my Album with the default album name 2006-01-20).
I don't know if it is a function of being a RAW/NEF file or of not having an MJMD tag, but it shoudl never be overwriting my Album tag.
3. Request: Would like to get other EXIF data into the database for expressions and filtering. This would be a Nice To Have, but it would really make the Image processing powerful. Example fields: JPEG Quality (might be Nikon specific), Exposure program, Exposure Bias, Metering. I would use this mostly for learning more about my camera -- make a view scheme with detailed captions to compare and contrast different exposure settings. I think this would have to be an Advanced Option under Library called "Advanced EXIF import" where you map the fields. A less good approach would be to take all EXIF data and dump it into one database field (called EXIF) and then I would try to things with expressions, but that would not be great.