MPL files have never been able to update existing data. You need to delete the video files first from the library.
MC has a few hidden databases besides the main database. After you have deleted the files they may still exist in the Explorer Database, in the Playing Now database or in the Deleted Files Database. In that case MC still uses the old field data when you reimport previously deleted files using MPL playlists.
You can make the following smartlist for deleting the files for good:
~d=a [Media Type]=[Video] (~d=a means all databases)
You may need to revisit this smartlist once or twice and if the files are still visible delete them again (the last deletion removes them from the deleted files database.)
Keep in my mind that this smartlist lists also the video files that are in the CD/DVD database. You may want to exclude this database from the search:
Make another smartlist with this rule
~d=c and exclude this playlist from the first smartlist.
After the old files are completely deleted from the databases MC imports MPL data correctly. Even the original import dates are preserved.
The cover art issue you mentioned is probably a separate bug. MC12 cannot automatically create a correct thumbnail for a video file if the linked image file is located besides the video file in the same folder. MC creates the thumbnail incorrectly from the video content.
This bug has nothing to do with importing or MC11.1. You can reproduce it if you just erase all thumbnails and let MC12 rebuild them.
This was my last bug report:
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=36696.msg250449#msg250449Re: Media Center 12.0.102 « Reply #26 »
"Quote from: Matt
There must be something a little more complicated because if I specify an Image File, and then rebuild thumbs, it uses the Image File."
In the meanwhile I tried a few things. Here's a list of my findings:
- The original library version (MC11.1 vs. MC12) is not related
- A library restore is not related
- If the image file has a complete directory path MC12 creates the thumbnails always correctly.
- If the image file is in the same folder with the video files (i.e. only the filename is linked) MC12 creates the thumbnails from the video content.
- This is rather odd:
I have a folder with 22 video files. I linked all files with an image file from the same folder. After that I erased all thumbnails. MC couldn't rebuild the thumbnails from the image file. It created them from the video content.
Then I relinked only one of the video files with a different image file from a separate folder. I didn't touch the other 21 video files. On next thumbnail rebuild attempt MC created correct thumbnails from the linked images for all 22 video files.
Looks like the oddness happens only if the two image files have the same filename. I tried it again so that the two image files had different names. This time MC created 21 thumbnails from the video content (image in the video file folder) and only one thumbnail from the image file (image in another folder).