Intelliremote 1.1 for the iPhone iPod touch hit the AppStore today!
New Features in Version 1.1.... Wireless Keyboard: Full QWERTY keyboard so you can type on your PC like you had a wireless keyboard on your lap by bringing up a virtual keyboard on the device!
- Wireless Mouse: Control the mouse on the PC with your finger. Left, Middle, and Right button click and double tapping the screen will trigger a double-click on the PC!
- Landscape mode for HUGE 64x64 buttons when turned to the side.
- Ability to switch profile right from the device by clicking icon in lower left corner.
- Setting for preventing the device from going to sleep while using Intelliphone
- Button increased from 36x36 to 40x40
- Check for WIFI connection and fail if not found.
- Fail after 3 seconds of not finding TCP connection rather than 30 seconds it waited before.
- Icon blink animation on remote button push to give user visual feedback of button push
- New icons, more iPhone like main logo
- Multiple zones so if you have mutliple PC's running Intelliremote such as Home Theatre (, Living Room (, LapTop ( These zones will be defined as Zone1,Zone2,Zone3,Zone4 in the settings. I hope no one will need more than 4 zones!