Well, maybe noit a bug, but a problem anyway.
When Cover art is added to a video the path and name of that file are pushed into the "Image file" field.
That is unless the image file is writen to the same dir as the video file, in that case the field just holds the name of the file as MC assumes the path is the same.
as far as that goes, its fine.
the problem comes in whn you let mc move that file.For image art in a central , or other directory, the image file field is still accurate as mc dosent touch this field on move of the video file. The problem is if you have MC storing the art in the same folder, and that entire path isnt stored in the database field. the next time mc looks for that image file it cant find it, since the database says its in the same directory, but its actually still in the old directory.
The simple solution here is to have mc stre the full path no matter where the file exists, so that even after a move the Database field still points to the correct location,
the complex (but preferrable) answer is to have mc move these files with the video file.