In my root audio view my files are grouped by album. 'Sort inside groups' is set to MediaType-Disc#-Track#-Name-coverart (My root audio view includes cover art; 'name' and 'coverart' help organize them below the songs in their own order). This view correctly shows songs grouped by album, and with the files sorted properly within the groups.
But...sorting of the groups themselves doesn't work right, or at least not as I keep expecting it to. Currently the albums are displayed in some unknown order and I can't seem to change the order. 'Use parent scheme' is not checked. 'Lock view' is not checked. If I bring up the 'set rules for file display' dialog, there is one modification rule - listing the sort order previously selected as my 'sort inside groups' (ie MediaType-Disc#-Track#-Name-coverart). If I try to edit this sort rule, say by changing it to '[artist]-[album]', then close this window and the 'customize view' window, it does not change anything. Then if I go back into 'customize view', then 'set rules for file display', my changes have not been saved. The same 'MediaType-Disc#-Track#-Name-coverart' is shown.
Is this expected behavior? I'd like to be able to sort my groups but can't figure this out. Thanks.