Sometimes the client MC14, that's connected to the server MC14 and set to play on the server via "there" zone (aka tremote mode) -- sometimes while I'm working on my computer, the client will suddenly pop up in theatre view mode. This is *without* any music playing and none having been played for a long time. It's so bizarre. It's like something has been scheduled to go off, but of course there's no such thing set up. It goes into Theatre Mode and does a couple screen jumps in Theatre mode, but never actually plays anything.
I'm not sure if this would happen I left the zone as local on the client (aka. the old standard library server mode).
On one particular build it seemed to happen ALL the time. There was *some* sort of exacerbating factor though because on one particular day it happened like crazy.
It still happens on the latest build, albeit occassionally.
It's pretty darn weird. It feels like a ghost is controlling my system when it does.
ps. should add, I don't use either the client or the server in Theatre View mode. Makes it that much weirder.