Hi All,
Many thanks for your answers.
I believe my problem was not clear enough - Sorry for my english.
1. What is the idea for "smartlist" to be based on existing "normal playlist"? if its not in the playlist it will not be in the smartlist...
example; I have folder name "old movies" this folder contain 150 movies, also this folder is update dynamically (adding files, and delete files) so, what is the idea? every time I add files, or delete I need to update the playlist manually?
because smart list is depending in "normal playlist" and "normal playlist" list is not update dynamically... we going back to my point - need to update it manually.
please try it yourselves. it will be good if at least smartlist will be "independent list" based on parameters we set (folder name, files names, etc...)
if i can phrase it in one sentence - there isn't direct relation between playlist (smart or not) to the file folder it came from.
if you think I have mistake, please guide me how to create playlist that update dynamically.