is it possible for me to setup multiple theaterview libraries\views?
we started a new business and are small in minneapolis. Goathead we print anything on anything for anyone.
Anywho had to sell my sell there a bit
I want to make a theaterview for my customers when they come to our house.... in the living room i want theaterview playing relaxing music. all backgrounds to be my goathead logo, and i want the Display to be on images\goathead catalog, and in there i want my folders of images... first forlder would be named, tshirts, all tshirts would be in there, second would be banners, third electronic labels, warning lables, die cut, fourth wall banners mosaics canvas. etc.. and this would give the customers i feel a Very relaxed Wanting to buy environment.... My only qustion concern
how do i accomplish this? i dont want to change a single thing to my currect home theater view! but i do want a custom theaterview for WORK, so i can totally customise the whole library, to work related video shows, image slideshows, presntations images powerpoint slideshow style. etc...
is ther eby chance to load diffrent theaterviews as there is diffrent libraries?