I hope there is a better way to do this, but I'm stumped. I've been using one main library, stored on the HTPC, and either connecting to the same library from multiple machines (mostly just the HTPC and my Desktop), or letting the HTPC be the server, and connecting as a client from the Desktop. Both have shortcomings that cause me frustration. As a client, updating cover art and various tags just doesn't work well. Connecting to the same library means that one machine cannot do anything 'permanently', and sometimes work gets lost/dumped.
I now have 5 people living in the house, soon each will have their own computer (plus an HTPC), and everyone has different tastes in music and movies. Some are similar, some are VERY different. I don't want to maintain 6 different libraries. Meaning that I don't want to have to tag things in 6 places. I don't want to try to keep everyone's available media up to date in 6 places. I don't want to manage options in 6 places. i know that most options can be left alone once set properly, I'm referring to new options/enhancements that come along as MC is improved, like improved theater view capabilities.
I want to be able to name and import and update and manage all the media from one computer, my Desktop. By that, I mean making sure imported media is named properly, with the correct cover art, on the correctly mapped drive location, etc.
However, I want everyone to be able to have opinion type information specific to their own tastes on their own computers. (ratings, last played, smartlists, etc)
For example, if I rip a disc, I want to name the tracks properly, and put that music in the 'correct' location, and have all 5 other machines (including the HTPC, which doesn't 'belong' to anyone) know that this new music (or movie, or TV show, or Podcast, etc) is available without any input from them. I want them to be able to rate the music or movies whatever they want, without affecting the others, and without physically changing the media on the server. I want them to be able to make view schemes without affecting anyone else. I want them to be able to set the options appropriate for their machines (stereo, 5.1 channel, 1080p or 720p, ROHQ or Standard, etc) without affecting anything else.
I want any changes I make to the media to be reflected in the physical media, so that tags and such are stored in the files, in case of disaster. I want that to not affect the other machines or their tags.
I want each of them to be able to share their library/tags/views via media server, so they can connect to their media from their devices, and also to be able to connect to the HTPC to control that and the Patio zone from their devices. I figure that the HTPC should be the same as my library, but if one of the boys wants to listen to their music while I'm not home, I want them to have the option to EASILY use the HTPC to see/use their library/tags/views. I don't want the HTPC to permanently use their library/tags. I don't want their machine specific settings to mess up the settings for the HTPC. If their computer only has 2 channels/speakers, I don't want that to change the HTPC to 2 channel, since it has 5.1 channels connected to it.
I want to be able to make changes to how Theater View or Gizmo is displayed, and let them benefit from those changes, without having to make those changes in 6 places.
If I decide that I've organized something poorly, or decide I can improve it by changing it's physical location/path, I want that to not cause problems for the others.
I'd like to be able to share smartlists and views with everyone, but have them be meaningful because they calculate using their specific values/ratings, not mine.
I'd like for everyone to be able to use the TV tuners in the HTPC for local TV playback on their machines, and to be able to schedule recordings.
I'm sure there are other things I'm not thinking of or taking into consideration here, but I think that's the bulk of what I need to reach a happy household.
How close to these goals can I get today, and what's the 'best' way to accomplish this currently? I can't think of any way to get all of this to happen, and the tradeoffs from one method or another are usually not 'acceptable' to me.
I'm sure many others have similar needs/wants, and maybe have figured all this out already. I'd like your opinions, and maybe some we can come up with some suggested enhancements to v18 to benefit others with similar goals.