No names in thumbnails, please. There's a name under the box.
Personally I think half-filled thumbs are not quite it. It's better than how it is now, but still not quite there.
For the reel, try making it slightly bigger than the thumbnail box but crop the top, bottom and right edges and offset the image to the right a bit. It will fill the box but would leave the side with the film hanging out uncropped, touching the left side of the box. I can't make a mock Im at work right now.
For the film thumbs, show them on actual film (with the perforated sides), one complete image in the middle, half an image above it and half an image below it (like film rolling). This would fill the thumbnail but still show a complete image without looking goofy like it does now. What would be cool is if this is dynamic showing the image at the place of the bookmark for partially watched movies.
My 2 cents