Just a quick response. Won't get to specific.
I assure you MC displays videos using albums just fine.
Though it may not happen in the default views. I don't know what the default views are.
You probably have to customize your views
Album isn't typical field for video. If you think about it it doesn't really make sense to even use it.
That said, I use album for all of my videos. I started using it to make videos compatible with album thumbnails in pane view
Even though i have moved on to categories as my preferred view for videos i still keep the field.
My album art shows up correctly. Try putting folder.jpg or a [filename (name].jpg in the same folder as the video.
There are many ways to enter the album info.
I use 'tag on import' but i used to use 'fill properties from filename'
I no longer manually enter it and instead calculate it from existing fields.
This is my latest expression to do so:
IfElse(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Movie,8),If(IsEqual([Series],- No Series,8),,[Series] -/ )[Name]If(IsEqual([Installment],Disc,8),Replace(/ [Installment],/ Disc 1,),),IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Music,8),[Artist] - [Name]If(IsEqual([Installment],Disc,8),Replace(/ [Installment],/ Disc 1,),),IsEqual([Media Sub Type],TV Show,8),[Series] - [Season]If(IsEqual([Episode],Disc,8),/ [Episode],),IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Adult,8),[Name],IsEqual([Media Sub Type],Home Video,8),[Artist] - [Name],1,Something Went Wrong With Album)
It Basically does this:
* disc # only displays a value if its disc 2, disc 3, etc ("disc 1" won't be displayed)
* series only shows up if it has a value other than "- no series"
movie album = series - name disc #
tv album = series - season disc #
music album = artist - name - disc #
home video album = artist - name
The expression is made to work on my library specifically, buts its a good example of what you can do.
Lots of smart people here that can help you out.
The xml files can easily be deleted and there is a setting to disable them.
just make sure its not the only thing holding your video metadata before you delete them.