I've been using MC for awhile now with last.fm running smoothly. Today I signed out of last.fm by using the option Tool>Services>last.fm>Manage last.fm account>there was an option to delete last.fm account which I did so I could scrobble from another last.fm account. (which is what I should have done according to what I read somewhere on this forum but unable to find it now)
Murphy's law.
Anyways that has created a mess of problems. I dont think that was the best thing to do, now I cant scrobble anything and when I go to Tool>Services>last.fm> Manage last.fm account > Connect to last.fm and I select that option I get a freeze (Not Responding) and when I try to close window, it crashes MC.
I tried this a couple times and thought maybe I needed to do a reinstall to get the settings back. So I saved my library, did the whole uninstall, reboot, reinstall, restore library, and tried to sign in again with no luck. I am thinking maybe I need to do another authorization from MC to last.fm but I have no clue how to generate that at this point.
I realize its only last.fm scrobbling and I see there isn't much support for last.fm problems on this forum but I am a VERY active member on last.fm and use the results I get from scrobbling for many music projects. So if someone can help me with this problem, I would be most appreciative.