I have a regular list called Frequent, which is an accumulation of tracks or LP's I've manually added that I listen to frequently from reference. It changes every few days, some removals some adds.
Then I have a smartlist called Frequent - Sorted that is configured:
Media Type is Audio
File Type is Flac
Playlist is any Frequent
Sort by Artist (a-z), Album(a-z), Sample Rate(a-z), Track# (a-z)
[Media Type]=[Audio] [File Type]=[flac] playlistid==886953807 ~sort=[Artist],[Album],[Sample Rate],[Track #]
But when I switch back to it from a non-smartlist, one field (third) has changed:
Custom [Playlist ID]=
[Media Type]=[Audio] [File Type]=[flac] [Playlist ID]= ~sort=[Artist],[Album],[Sample Rate],[Track #]
Anyone with an idea why this is happening?