For your (1), try this:
Create a Smartlist, name it Count Tracks per Album. Hit the Import / Export button, and paste the following:
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Album Artist (auto)]=[/(Multiple Artists/)] [=1save(0,v_albumkey())]=1 [=1saveadd(v_albumkey(), 1)]=1
and OK your way out.
Now create a new View, perhaps of type File List, and click the Set rules for file display, and select a Rule of Playlists is any Counts Tracks per Album. Now click the Add New Rule button, and select Custom, and paste into the empty area to the right of Custom:
[=compare(load(v_albumkey()), =, 1)]=1
and OK your way out. At the top of the view tab, click the triangle, and select Group By > None.
You now have a list of all your singles for a given Album/Artist pairing, omitting Compilation Albums.
Note, you can also do this entirely in the Smartlist itself:
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Album Artist (auto)]=[/(Multiple Artists/)] [=1save(0,v_albumkey())]=1 [=1saveadd(v_albumkey(), 1)]=1 [=compare(load(v_albumkey()), =, 1)]=1 [=compare(load(v_albumkey()), =, 1)]=1