Just make an expression column to replace the standard column and use:
<font color="4A95C9">[Sample Rate]<//Font>
I use this code to color code my 'Audio Format' column if you want to get a little fancier...
IfElse(compare([Channels], =, 1),
<font color="183D61">Mono<//Font>,compare([Channels], =, 2),
Stereo,compare([Channels], =, 3),
<font color="4A95C9">2.1<//Font>,compare([Channels], =, 4),
<font color="4A95C9">Quad<//Font>,compare([Channels], =, 5),
<font color="4A95C9">5.0<//Font>,compare([Channels], =, 6),
<font color="4A95C9">5.1<//Font>) If(isequal([File Type],mp3,1),<font color="183D61">[File Type]<//Font>,[File Type]) If(compare([Bit Depth], >, 16),
<font color="4A95C9">[Bit Depth]x<//Font>,
[Bit Depth]x)&datatype=[number]IfElse(compare([Sample Rate], <, 44100),
<font color="183D61">FormatNumber(math([Sample Rate,0] / 1000), 1)<//Font>,compare([Sample Rate], >, 48000),
<font color="4A95C9">FormatNumber(math([Sample Rate,0] / 1000), 1)<//Font>,
1, FormatNumber(math([Sample Rate,0] / 1000), 1))
Good luck...