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Author Topic: File Path to Wireless Router  (Read 1505 times)


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File Path to Wireless Router
« on: June 19, 2015, 11:33:55 am »

I just connected my WD external hard drive to my linksys EA4500 USB port.  I had it plugged into my laptop USB, now I want it to be on the wireless home network. How do I change the file path to point MC20 to the new location of the hard drive. I wanted to be able to access the music files from other locations in the house and not have cables all over.


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Re: File Path to Wireless Router
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2015, 04:54:46 pm »

First check here for compatibility:

As far as a file path, you can use \\<router name>\<volume name of the WD Hard drive>

You can also substitute the ip address of the router instead of the name.
You could also map the usb drive to a drive letter on the machine that hosts MC, and point it to the drive letter if that is easier.

Hope this helps.


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Re: File Path to Wireless Router
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2015, 05:23:18 pm »

Once you get access to the drive working across network, make sure you can reliably get to it from Windows Explorer (the file explorer, NOT the internet browser).  Once that's done you need to update all of your media entries in your MC library to point to the new file location.  Or reimport all of them.  Depending on how much media you have it might be easier to just reimport it.  I *think* reimporting will actually preserve all of the data including play counts etc.  Maybe someone else can confirm?

If you want to update all of the media paths, you'll probably want to use the Move, Rename, and Copy tool.  It's under:  Tools > Library Tools

To do this particular job, you probably want to run the tool in Update Database mode, and then use the Find and Replace option at the bottom of the box.  Some documentation here:,_Move,_and_Copy_Files#Find_.26_Replace

Be sure to test on a few files first.  ...and do a DATABASE BACKUP before you start!!  Good luck!

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