Just wanted to be clear that this was a request rather than a complaint about loss of fucntionality
As for Pro use - I don't wish to be negative - J River have already made that decision. IMHO they are squarely targeting the 'home' market (and why not - a lot more customers - a lot more $ - they are a business after all). MJ8 was great for 'pro' use (as long as you didn't want to beat mix) - extremely simple to use, extremely powerful playlist functionality, powerful search and find features and an on-board visualiser to boot.
It's only drawbacks (again my opinion) were minor - literally spit and polish. Things like BPM, auto DB playback adjustment, better window/monitor control for visualisations and perhaps a couple of other minor things I can't think of right now.
MC is a great consumer product - I will undoubtedly end up with it at home. But for pro use I think that era left with the 'no skin' option. I am still evaluating MC9.1x for pro use (I can't get hold of 9.0) - it's a bit of a mixed bag at the moment so don't know the outcome.
Either way I will be using MJ8/MC9.1x short term only (as MJ8 is effectively dead and MC9.1x appears to be in general veering away from pro use). I am now looking into 'easy to use & powerful' players that have the functionality that I need along with stand alone visualisers that provide easy user customisation (as do the visualisers in MJ8/MC9.1x) with good window/monitor control. The player aspect is not too difficult as there are a venerable raft of players out there that would do the job admirably. The visualiser is a whole different story - yes loads out there but most depend on video sequences at their core (not auto generation).
Perhaps thats why my posts were perceived (or perhaps actually were) negative. I had a tool that was almost perfect, just needed a bit of spit and polish. When I upgraded, I found that the entire thing had changed literally beyond all recognition (and at least for me) to something that was far worse, less 'usable' and less suited to the job at hand. The trouble is my 'job at hand' is different than almost everyone else's that uses J River products (home use and it would seem Ipod integration, zoned play etc).
This is not a troll folks just an opinion..........