Once again, I'm probably in the minority here. And yes im speaking about losing something, but this is constructive criticism, so please give it a glance. I think both views are great. However to lose one in favor of the other would hurt my usability of MC. Of course, I know Im one out of thousands. But im not visually oriented when it comes to organizing things. Im structurally oriented. So as for me, and as for the main, top, number 1, numero uno, reason I was attracted to MJ/MC 3 years ago, and the main thing that keeps bringing me back, is tha fact that you guys have to lockdown on max organizing capabilites minues all that WMP/MMJB/W**AMP fluff. All of those programs offer organizational capabilites, but youve gotta wade through all the viz/ablum covers/artists pictures/bios etc to get to what you want.
I think if that is the route you guys are gonna go, that is awesome, perhaps i could use a little bit of fluff in my life. But I do ask that you try your best to make it an option. I remember in the transition between v8 and v9 i developed quite a nervous twitch when I learned I was going to have to make a "skin" if I wanted MJ/MC to conform to my existing windows visual setup. Of course, I eventually got over it. Having recently bought v10, and then soon after snagging the early upgrade to v11, I am of course worrying about losing my favorite features.
The thing with this new browsing system that I'm noticing is the speed thing, but Jim, you said that would be fixed in later trials. I just worry about MC becoming a "front-end" that needs a "front-end". With all of the fancy browsing and direct-x menu systems and what not, it seems like some of those with lesser systems may be losing out. I personally run a rather decent system, and it seems like MC can sometimes stutter when its redrawing after a minimize or restore even on my system.
So, I did it again. I apologize for being wordy. I just worry about MC getting "too big for its britches" so to speak. I'd like to see an un paralleled product remain unparalleled without the trappings of becoming bloated.
Overall, the new browsing system rocks, its just not my style. Too flashy.
One of the many things I can say about you guys is this; You keep me on my toes. Something keeps me coming back for more. I'm gonna take a wild guess and blame it on the same thing I blame everything on here in China...
You guys are putting MSG in your product aren't you?...