Let me join this ...
I'm not a full geak but I do have a denon 7200WA, Synology DS415+ and some win/mac computer.
I was using the build in capabilities of DEnon to access my DLNA library from Synology but after reading many comment I decided to join the fun and I am now trying JRiver MC 22
my music files on DS415 are in several shared folders one is FLAC, another is ALAC (I was trying), I also have a DSD and MUSIC folder... all those folder are defined in Synology DLNA
I am very new to DSD, having most of my file as FLAC (from CD). I also have few SACD but no playstation so no SACD->DSD

But I am curious and went over the net and got few DSD files, stereo and multi channel... most of them DSD 64 as I know this is my limit.
Now I got MC20 and try to it setup...
I don't really know what I did but I have in MC my DSD file as double (forgive me I'm new) and I can see they are not shared by MC the same way, in the filename I see:
mydsdfile | artiste | ...| \\Synology\DSD\myDSDfile.dsf
mydsdfile | artiste | ...|
http://192.168.x.y:50002/m/MP3/12345.mp3 <weird as I had feeling file were in DSD format in my library
Guess which one play when I push it from MC 22 ? the DSD one with filepath info not DLNA info !
So I can push DSD file when they are imported into library the way showed in line 1, all FLAC file are in library as line 2 and they push nicely... extension of files is FLAC on the filename.
I can push DSD64 ST and DSD64 MCH, but I know DSD 128 or DSD256 are not working. Not sure about gapless
I am ready to pay after my trial for MC22 I will even pay a bit more to get MC on synology !... now looking for a remote... JRemote is not free ? really ? it should come as a package when you buy the big multiOS package.
Hope someone will make use of this.
Good work guys..
Thanks for reading